Friday, January 7, 2022

Fantasy..nope Ancients...oh wait...Dark Ages!

I really don’t like the fantasy genre. Apart from some very happy, but misguided, time spent playing ‘Tunnels & Trolls’ as a lad, it has simply never appealed, it’s just too silly. (Yes, I am acutely aware of the irony of that statement given the subject of this entire blog.)

I can’t stand Tolkein. The Lord of the Rings movies were rescued for me by the battle scenes, but otherwise faithfully recreated the crushing dullness I had experienced when attempting to read the books. (Half way through the first of the movie trilogy, my better half stage-whispered “Oh just get on with it! I could have been there and back by now.” Luckily the assembled elf groupies and dwarf botherers in the cinema were too engrossed in hobbit antics to notice.) As for Warhammer, well don’t…just don’t.

But, the twin forces were at work. Cool plastic figures, in the form of the Caesar fantasy boxes and the amazing Zvezda medievals. Plus, here was a way of playing medievals without worrying about getting the heraldry right and whether this particular armour style was worn in that decade of the 14th Century.

I was thinking in terms of large skirmishes, but when the Dark Alliance figures came out I found that my collection had grown to a size suitable for small armies (if I ever got round to painting them, that is). Add to that my slight embarrassment over the whole Ancients back-and-forth thing, and finally the plan is for these figures to be used for Dark Ages fights using Dux Bellorum rules. My rationale, like one is needed, is that back in those dark days you probably thought of your enemies as being sub-human monsters riding wolves. Works for me at least. There'll be none of that magic nonsense though!

Fantasy will be the genre for the following scenarios : 

Still no magic...

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